Plise make this Powerpoint awesome!

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October 2, 2015

Have you ever heard that statement? I’ve heard it more than enought to realize that people don’t understand the role of a Webdesigner, either that or they are lazy as f*ck.

Lets start from the begining, what is a Powerpoint? A helping tool for presenting something, it can be as small as a school assignement as to something as big as a pitch and yet we all have been in presentation where the speaker is just reading from the Powerpoint..

Powerpoint should help you get a point and not being the focus.

Have you ever watched a Ted Talk? No one goes in with fancy Powerpoint and yet most of the talks are viewed by millions, why? People get engadged by one or either two of these thing:

  1. The topic
  2. The speaker

Yep, just that two things, we want to hear someone talk if they are saying something usefull/of interest or they are a eloquent talker. We aren’t going to give our attetion to someone just because they have a Powerpoint with AWESOME animations or graphics!

So Powerpoint isn’t important at all? Nop, it is important that is branded accordingly to the company defined communication axis, but that’s it.

Keep it simple as you can, don’t try to put lot’s of information, lot’s of graphic’s into one slide, a slide is as good as it’s able to pass the information to the audience he’s target to.

And last but not the least, the presentation focus is YOU!