Best sites to get resources

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May 27, 2015

Being a designer sometimes means the schedules or the budgets for projects are way too short and we get stuck between a rock and hard place, do we refuse the project, or do we speed up things?

Sometimes refusing isn’t even a choice and so we go for speeding up things, how do we do that? Using some freebies from the community, and by this I don’t mean selling work from someone else, but to combine pieces we need and even get that so needed inspiration.

So I’m sharing some places that I usually go and got some freebies with a premium look.

// Photos

This must be the thing I’m often looking for, every single project I’ve taken so far in my career, I never ever got budget for buying photos (just google it, dah – as some clients say). I don’t agree with this, every projects has diferent needs and some of them would look such much better with that specific photo.. But oh well, to cover that I use this amazing places:

// Unsplash

Weekly delivery of high-res photos, most of them are all about beautiful sights, a bit of imagination and we can do some pretty nice things.

// StockSnap

I’ve found this not long, and ever since I’ve grown in love with it. Easy search, updated daily and lots of different types to choose from.


A bit like StockSnap, with 10 daily new photos, I’ve spent about 2h the first time I check this (damm you lazy load).


Got a fair share of really good photos, all taken by Viktor Hanacek.


One of the main aspects of our work, and maybe as important as the work itself is how you present it to your client. Clients often need to see how it will look and the web, printed , etc.. to made up their mind.


Lots of mockups to choose and each one as they state “made with care for each pixel”.


A new acquisition to my list, and a quite good. Lots of diversity and quality.


It’s known to lots of people, they only downfall is that isn’t that regularly updated (the freebies).

//Premium Pixels

It’s more a freebies all-round, from icons to fonts you’ll find it all there.


Damm how I love to play with fonts and discovering new matches , although the only sites I pay a regurla visit are these:


Lots, lots and lots of fonts, for whatever you need, personally I use this more to do graphic design projects because…


… I use Google Fonts for every other project, simple and clean way to get custom fonts on your website in no time!

Well thats all for now, if you ever know some more website worth checking, leave them below!